
Raul Rosas Jr. gets endearing shout-out from MMA childhood hero ahead of UFC 282

Raul Rosas Jr. is an incredible addition to the UFC roster. The 18-year-old became the youngest-ever fighter signed by the promotion and will be making his debut at UFC 282 on Saturday, December 10.

The youngster recently found himself being appreciated by his childhood hero, Robbie Lawler. It seems that 'El Nino Problema' always saw Lawler as his inspiration and even tried emulating his fighting style growing up.

It appears that 'Ruthless' was recently made aware of this fact and the American expressed his feelings in an Instagram post:

"This is great! No one is more disappointed than me to not be fighting this weekend. It would have been nice to meet you this week @raulrosajr … If you’re ever in South Florida we can train together. Good luck this weekend."

Check out his post below:

Rosas Jr. replied to this endearing message from his hero, wishing him a speedy recovery:

"Thank you. Appreciate it! Hope you heal up soon."

Raul Rosas Jr. is set to fight Jay Perrin in a bantamweight contest at UFC 282. The 18-year-old boasts an undefeated professional 6-0-0 record.

Unfortunately, Robbie Lawler pulled out of his fight against Santiago Ponzinibbio due to an injury, with the latter now facing Alex Morono at catchweight.

Raul Rosas Jr. receives commendations from Conor McGregor as the Irishman wishes him "good luck"

Raul Rosas Jr. is certainly on a roll with the Mexican-American getting noticed by some of MMA's biggest personalities. With an undefeated career in MMA so far and being the youngest fighter signed by the UFC, 'El Nino Problema' is living an incredible story.

Before being invited to train together by his childhood idol, Robbie Lawler, in an Instagram post, Rosas Jr. found himself being praised by none other than the UFC's biggest superstar, Conor McGregor.

'The Notorious' quote-tweeted a video from the youngster's recent press conference ahead of his debut at UFC 282. The Irishman expressed his awe for Raul Rosas Jr. and his achievements on Twitter, saying:

"That’s incredible! The youngest ever. Good luck young man, in your career with the @ufc."

Check out the tweet below:

With Raul Rosas Jr. making his debut against Jay Perrin on December 10 in a bantamweight clash, it should come as no surprise that McGregor is appreciative of the youngster, considering 'The Notorious' himself made his MMA debut at 18 against Kieran Campbell at the Irish Ring of Truth MMA promotion in 2007.

If Conor McGregor's professional success is anything to go by, Rosas Jr. certainly has big things to look ahead to.

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Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-06-27